Introduction To Me and My Glitches

I Wright
3 min readJan 14, 2023


Video games are, unquestionably, one of the biggest aspects of modern society. Whether you play them, make them, or have only seen them, video games are everywhere. And with the increase in video games, the amount of glitches — the unintended technical bugs — in these games also increase.

There is a war going on within the gaming community right now: those that hate glitches with a burning passion, who claim that any and all glitches take away from the joy of playing video games; and those who enjoy glitches, and think that smaller and/or less game breaking glitches should stay.

Now, these blogs aren’t going to be about dismissing bugs or attacking modern game companies for their inability to make glitch-free games. These blogs are going to be about the joy of running into certain bugs, and a little about how said bugs can occur. Maybe even a bit of love for older techniques — such as cardboard cutouts and skybox textures — will be given as well.

In other words, you can think of this as my want to document the various glitches I have run into while gaming.

Most of my glitches I will showcase are either out-of-bounds glitches (going somewhere the game never intended you to go) or bad textures/texture glitches (areas where the developers forgot to fix something or thought that so few players would see it that they decided not to waste the time and money).

Some bad texture placement. Grass floating above the ground

The reason for this is because, well, those are the easiest for me to run into while playing a game. These are also the types of bugs that don’t usually take any special means to accomplish.

However, other types of glitches and bugs will find their way into here as well. Only fitting, because bugs tend to find their way into anything anyway.

Of course, I will not be showing game breaking glitches here (such as softlocks and/or crashing). Glitches that prevent a game from even being playable — though they may be enjoyable a few times in certain situations — should be fixed as soon as possible. I only want to focus on the ones that don’t outwardly affect the game, but only cause amusing sights while playing.

Out of bounds, under the floor. Surprisingly, there is a fully textured landmass down here with collision

The reason I want to document these bugs is because I love these types of glitches. I don’t consider myself a glitch-hunter, but I do find joy in finding hidden nooks and crannies with hidden gems in them. To me, it is like an Easter egg hunt.

Also, nothing beats the joy of finding some broken textures where you aren’t expecting them. They may “break my immersion,” but to me, they almost always end in me laughing.

Fire types under the water. Nothing to worry about

If you want to share in these small bugs, feel free to start looking for them in your games. There is no end to these things, and to me, they add more to the games they are in then take away from them. You never know, maybe you too will grow to love these small things as much as me.



I Wright
I Wright

Written by I Wright


A student's account for his blog about glitches in games he plays. Enjoy

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